CoffeeNetwork (New York) - Set against the vibrant backdrop of Berlin’s Grüne Woche, the International Coffee Organization (ICO), Global Coffee Platform (GCP), and German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) came together today to sign a joint declaration to strengthen their cooperation towards a true sustainable transformation of the global coffee sector. The declaration addresses key issues such as living income, market transparency, gender equity, and enabling policies and institutions, and will resonate with stakeholders at the very heart of the industry.
Acknowledging the ambitious sector-level goals of the 2030 Roadmap agreed upon and adopted by the International Coffee Council (ICC) and Coffee Private Public Task Force (CPPTF), the declaration reaffirms the signatories’ commitment to realizing a common vision for the coffee sector. This vision centres on economic resilience, celebrates the diversity of coffee origins, and champions environmental sustainability and climate change mitigation through circularity, regenerative production, trade, and consumption. It also highlights the need to preserve natural ecosystems in coffee-producing countries worldwide, 42 of which are Members of the ICO. Central to this commitment is addressing the root causes of the many social and economic obstacles faced by producers.
To overcome these challenges, lift communities out of poverty and nurture a thriving sector for future generations, the signatories have pledged to identify solutions to make coffee the most sustainable, inclusive and resilient agricultural sector and enable compliance with the prevailing regulatory framework. They have also reiterated the importance of harnessing effective multilateral dialogue and expressed their intent to further mobilize and align actors and resources from governments, the private sector and civil society.
Alexis Rubinstein
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