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This material should be construed as the solicitation of an account, order, and/or services provided by StoneX Markets LLC (“SXM”) (NFA ID: 0449652) and represents the opinions and viewpoints of the individual authors or presenters. It does not constitute an individualized recommendation or take into account the particular trading objectives, financial situations, or needs of individual customers. Additionally, this material should not be construed as research material. The trading of derivatives such as futures, options, and over-the-counter (OTC) products or “swaps” may not be suitable for all investors. Derivatives trading involves substantial risk of loss, and you should fully understand the risks prior to trading. Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results. All references to and discussion of OTC products or swaps are made solely on behalf of SXM. SXM products are intended to be traded only by individuals or firms who qualify under CFTC rules as an ‘Eligible Contract Participant’ (“ECP”) and who have been accepted as customers of SXM. SXM is not responsible for any redistribution of this material by third parties, or any trading decisions taken by persons not intended to view this material. Information contained herein was obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed as to its accuracy. Contact designated personnel from SXM for specific trading advice to meet your trading preferences.
Howard Rappaport is an independent consultant to the Swap Dealer, StoneX Markets LLC (“SXM”) focusing on plastics market commentary. He does not have a personal futures trading account. All forecasting statements made within this material represent the opinions of the author unless otherwise noted.
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